The Really Terrible Orchestra
of Pennsylvania
Fulfill your love of music and bring your sense of humor.
The Really Terrible String Orchestra (RTSO)
Who: The RTO is expanding by adding the RTSO.
What: The RTSO will be a strings-only version of the RTO with some percussion, as needed. The philosophy of the RTO will extend into the RTSO. No pressure; be flexible; enjoy music; learn something new!
Where: We will rehearse at St. John’s UCC Church, 8065 William Penn Highway, Easton, PA 18045
When: We will rehearse twice a month from 3:00 to 4:30. These are the dates that have been approved by the church:
Aug. 4, Aug. 18, Sept. 8, Sept. 22, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Nov. 10, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, Dec. 15
The final date will be a concert, possibly open to the public and possibly in conjunction with RTO.
Why: Why not? This is just another opportunity for string players to play with an ensemble. Traveling at night is becoming difficult for some people. You may be in both RTO and RTSO or one or the other.
How: I brought the idea up to the RTO Board and they agreed that it was a good idea! Barry Webb checked with the church where he holds his worship services and they’ve given their approval. While looking for music for RTO, there seemed to be a lot of music available for string orchestra.
This is our trial run for RTSO. It may be successful; it may not. There are 20 people who indicated interest in RTSO as of this writing. Feel free to invite others! (Anyone under 18 will need to be accompanied by an adult.)
As in RTO, there is no pressure to come to EVERY rehearsal or every concert. If you come, you play; if you don’t come, you don’t get to play! I’ve compiled music that is on the “medium easy” side.
You will receive 5 emails from me; two pieces per email. All parts will be in the emails. Please find your part and print it out if you haven’t already pick up your part during RTO rehearsals. Currently, we have no violas, so some violinists may be encouraged to play the Violin III part.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 484-714-8527 or